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Problems of Language Law Implementation in Uzbekistan. Munich: CESifo Conference on Estimation of Gravity Models of Bilateral Trade.įierman, William, ed. Foreign Languages and Trade: Evidence from Quantile Regression. Ankara: Ataturk Kultur, Dil ve Tarih Yuksek Kurumu Yayinlari.įidrmuc, Jan, and Jarko Fidrmuc. “Soviet and Post-Soviet Language Policies in the Central Asian Republics and the Status of Russian” (ICANAS, International Congress of Asian and North African Studies), 465–480. Australian Slavonic and East European Studies 19 (1–2): 1–27. Language Policy and the Status of Russian in the Soviet Union and the Successor States outside the Russian Federation. ( Glava X.Osnovnye prava i objazannosti grazhdan).ĭietrich, Ayse. Chapter 10, Konstitutsija (Osnovnoj zakon) Sojuza Sovetskih Sotsialisticheskih Respublik utverzhdena postanovleniem Chrezvychajnogo VIII Cjezda Sovetov Sojuza Sovetskih Sotsialisticheskih Respublik ot 5 dekabrja 1936 g. International Journal of Sociology of Language 192: 171–185.Ĭonstitution of the USSR. Emblems of Independence: Script Choice in Post-Soviet Turkmenistan in the 1990s. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Ĭlement, Victoria. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy, ed. Language Policy Management in the Former Soviet Sphere. Leningrad: Izdatelstvo Akademii nauk SSSR.īrun, Gabrielle H., and Svitlana Melnyk. Kolonialnaya politika rossiyskogo tsarizma v Azerbaidzane v 20-60-h gg.XIX v. Azerbaijan International 1 (3): 16–17.īogdanova, N.G., and Ja M. Dissolution of the Soviet Union: The Question of Alphabet Reform for the Turkic Republics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.īodrogligeti, András. Central Asians under Russian Rule: A Study in Culture Change. New York: Columbia University Press.īacon, Elizabeth E. In Linguistic Changes in Post-Communist Eastern Europe and Eurasia, ed. Linguistic Developments in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan. Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences 93: 1580–1586.Īzimova, Nigora.

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The Language Policy of Kazakhstan and the State Language in Government Service.

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Samarkand: International Institute for Central Asian Studies IICAS.Īksholakova, Assem, and Nurgul Ismailova. The History of Public and Cultural Reformation in the Caucasus and Central Asia, 19th and Early 20th Century.

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Abdullaev, Ravshan, Dilorom Alimova, Irada Bagirova, Zharas Ermekbaev, Imanutdin Sulaev, Shamil Rahmanzade, Dilshod Kenjaev, and Mahfuza Zeinalova.

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